Friday, 14 March 2014

Inappropriate Technology Use: Not Crediting Photos

Matt enjoys taking pictures with his digital camera. his pictures are quite unusual and can be easily identified as his work. he wants to let other people see his pictures so he posts them on his website. a couple of months later he is surfing the internet and sees some of his pictures on someone else’s website. At first he is flattered that someone enjoyed his pictures, but on closer inspection he sees that he is not credited anywhere on the site as the person who took the photos. the way the images are posted makes it seem as if the site owner had taken the pictures. 

The user who used Matt's picture without properly crediting him has not used digital technology appropriately. By taking Matt's work without giving him the credit he deserves, this user violated a core element of digital citizenship - digital rights and responsibilities, defined by Ribble (2011, pg. 35) as requirements and freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world. The user took advantage of the privilege of being able to have access to others' work, but didn't demonstrate responsibility by simply including a citation. As photo stylist Fuss (2011) discussed in her blog post (, the act is considered theft and is incredibly disrespectful, as the work put into taking the photo is ignored and unrecognized. The individual could have easily demonstrated appropriate use by simply giving a proper citation - something that would have taken less than 5 minutes.

What do you think?


  1. Hi Lewis. I agree with you that proper citation needed to be done in this instance. We, as digital citizens, have the right of ownership to our creations; when people take credit for other people's work, it diminishes the creativity and effort we put into our work.

    1. Agreed! Stealing ideas diminishes human progress in expanding our knowledge!

  2. Hi Lewis,
    I agree with you and Guy that the owner should have credited the photos. It is wrong for someone not to credit some else's work. There was a recent example of this when a blogger found out that her picture was being used by a diet company. Since she is plus-sized, they were using the picture to sell their products. This act is inappropriate and the user is violating their digital citizenship. The user should have taken the time to credit and if they did not, Matt should have emailed the person to tell them to credit is work.

    1. Exactly. At the end of the day, it's just about being a considerate, empathetic human being.

  3. Hi Lewis,

    I agree the user should have cited the photos properly so that he or she gave Matt credit for taking those photos. This is a misuse of technology, and a violation of digital rights and responsibilities as a digital citizen. The user should have cited the photos and then added them to their website.

    This was unclear as to whether or not it was done in the scenario but Matt should make sure when he uploads his photos to his websites that he creates a copy right to ensure that they will be cited properly when should on others’ websites and blogs.


    1. "Matt should make sure when he uploads his photos to his websites that he creates a copy right to ensure that they will be cited properly when should on others’ websites and blogs."
      Great point! When copyrighted, others are reminded that they can't take advantage of our work!

  4. Great response. It is unfortunate that he was not credited for his work. However he must ensure that he uses copyrights to ensure that his work must be cited properly.

  5. Hi Lewis,
    I did the same scenario. This scenario perfectly illustrates an inappropriate use of technology. After studying the rights and responsibilities of a digital citizen for many weeks now, it has become second nature for us to credit the works of others. Its important for all digital citizens to respect the author and give credit to their original work.
